ATTENTION: Zurich Entrepreneurs!

CALL: +41 44 260 85 75

Where Zurich
Businesses Go To

This is NOT (just!) Networking!

We're building a community of businesses in Zurich where switched-on business owners get together, NOT to 'network', but to focus on one thing... growing their business!

Hi, I'm Roberto Dal Corso, a business owner here in Zürich - just like you.

I came across the Entrepreneurs Circle in the UK a few years ago and they've helped me grow my business considerably in that time.

They've had such an impact on my business that I want to share some of their strategies with more local businesses.

I've found nothing quite like them in Zürich and I think you'll love their energy and approach to help all types of SME's.

So, if you want to grow your business, click the Green Button and see if you qualify for our next meeting.

Hopefully see you there...


PS Take a look at the video below to find out more about what the EC Local Meetings are all about...

Our Next EC Zürich Local Meeting is:

Wednesday, 26th February - 6pm-8pm

Room COLLABORATION (3rd Floor)

Resilient Coworking

Kreuzstrasse 26,

8008 Zürich

It's just a brilliant way to grow your business!

Discover what's working now to help businesses in Zurich to grow and get that all important accountability and community that we entrepreneurs crave.

Entrepreneurs Circle's Local Meeting Agenda

This is so much more than just 'networking'...

'Who's Who in 22!'

No endless introductions here... you've got 22 seconds to tell everyone who you are and what you do! So keep it short and snappy!

Your Successes

It's your time to shine! Tell us what's working right now in your business and share your success stories so others can learn from what you've done.

The Shiny New Thing

At every meeting we share one super cool tactic, tool or strategy that you can take a way and use in your business to get more customers. You'll love it!

Content Session

Each meeting has a content session (complete with workbook!) focused on a specific aspect of business growth. You'll go away with new ideas and ways you can grow your business.

Your One Commitment

To make sure you see results in your business, at each meeting you can make a commitment to the group of one thing that you're going to go away and implement. It's that accountability that makes sure things get done and you see results!

Entrepreneur of the Month

Every month we crown our Entrepreneur of the Month (complete with certificate!) to a member who's seen great results - could it be you next month?


It wouldn't be a Local Meeting without the networking! You can stay for as much (or as little!) as you'd like but this is where you can really get to know your fellow members, exchange cards, do deals, get referrals and enjoy the social aspect of the meeting!


As you can see, it's a busy meeting!

But we get it all done in just over 90 minutes each and every month.

You'll get to know your fellow members really well and together, move your business to where you want it to be.

Feeling Nervous? Don't be! You can participate as much or as little as you want (we don't pressure you at all!) so if you'd rather sit back and watch rather than sharing success stories and tooting your own trumpet, feel free.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +41 44 260 85 75